6 January 2025
Treatment of splitt hopper barge hull voids with nC Corrosion Passivator Fluid
Location project:
Shipyard Reimerswaal
Dredging company
Splitt hopper barge
nC Corrosion Passivator Fluid
High-pressure washing
Application method:
Airless spray
In December 2024, the voids of a split hopper barge were treated to prevent further corrosion and loss of steel thickness. For treatment nC Corrosion Passivator Fluid has been used, a soft coat product that can be applied directly to rust. The objective of the project was to extend the lifespan of the tanks with minimal surface preparation.
Project Details – Split Hopper Barge
- Total treated surface: 4,000 m² across 14 tanks.
- Treated sections: Only the bottom sections of the tanks have been treeted, per the client’s request.
- Project duration: 4 days.
- Team composition: 4 members (2 sprayers, 1 foreman, and 1 pump operator).
Pre-Treatment of Split Hopper Barge Voids
Before conservation, the tanks of the split hopper barge were cleaned using high-pressure washing. This process removed sludge, sand, loose rust, and flaking coatings. After this cleaning, the surface was ready for the application of Corrosion Passivator Fluid without the need for abrasive blasting. Saving downtime and costs.
Application Process
After pre-treatment, the surface was treated with nC Corrosion Passivator Fluid, applied using an airless spray system. Before application, the fluid was thoroughly mixed with a paint mixer to ensure an even distribution.
Corrosion Passivator Fluid
This soft coat offers a practical and efficient method to protect corroded surfaces in tanks and confined spaces. It simplifies the process by requiring minimal pre-treatment, significantly reducing both maintenance costs and downtime. Post-application, the product undergoes a color change to dark anthracite, making active rust spots easily identifiable during inspections. These areas can then be spot-repaired using a brush, roller, or by spray appliction.
Client Considerations
For this project, only the bottom sections of the tanks were preserved. The tanks still had well-adhered coatings in other areas. For optimal effectiveness, nC Corrosion Passivator Fluid must make direct contact with the metal surface. Applying the fluid over intact, well-adhered coatings is therefore not effective.
The tank bottoms of the split hopper barge, where the original coating had been almost completely lost to corrosion, were treated and provided with a durable protective layer. The color change feature simplifies future maintenance: active corrosion spots will appear in bright orange, allowing for quick identification and targeted spot repairs using a brush, roller, or spray.
It is recommended to inspect the voids every two years. Any recurring corrosion can be promptly and efficiently addressed through spot repairs.
This project demonstrates that a small team of four people can treat a large tank surface area in a short time period. By using nC Corrosion Passivator Fluid, corrosion is effectively and efficiently stopped, significantly extending the lifespan of the split hopper barge.