16 August 2023
Corrosion passivation and sealing of damp hold floor
December 23, 2020
Location project:
EECV, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Bocimar, Belgium
Mineral Honshu
Corrosion Passivator - Primer WET, CP - Heavy Duty
High pressure washing
Application method:
Rolling. Curing time: 24 hours
The hold floors of the Mineral Honshu must be protected from corrosion. Hold floors of bulk carriers are rarely dry, and are free of cargo for only a short time. As a result, a traditional coating solution is not feasible: Too wet and too short a drying time. Corrosion passivation in combination with a fiber-reinforced epoxy offers the right solution here.
Benefits passivation Dita Projects/Bocimar:
- No time wasted by grit blasting or corrosion removal. Remember that treating a hold floor must be done within very limited time. This is because the ship needs to sail or be loaded again quickly.
- No time wasted drying the hold floors. Passivation can begin immediately after cleaning.
- Grit blasting is not necessary, which eliminates blasting waste and thus saves costs.
- Yield of nC Corrosion Passivator Primer is between 12 / 15 m2 per liter. This is much more beneficial than traditional system with primer and paint.
Benefits sealing for Dita Project/Bocimar:
- Fast curing of the system
- Sealing makes water and airtight and is chemical resistant. The sealed spots will not rust again.
- Very high yield per m², consumption approx 1 liter per 30m².
- Highly abrasion resistant.